Update Company

Update Company

The Update Company API updates an existing company record.

Request Parameters

OrganizationId Int (Required)

Company organization id id

Name String (Required)

Name of the company

externalId Varchar (Required)

External id of the company

OwningUserId Int (Required)

Logged in user id

description string (Required)

Description of the company

organizationId Int (Required)

Company organization id

assignableToUsers Boolean (Required)
address1 String (Required)

Address of the company

address2 String (Required)

Adress of the company

city String (Required)

City of the company

state String (Required)

State of the company

zip Int (Required)

Zipcode of the company

country String (Required)

Country of the company

email String (Required)

Email id of the company

phone Int (Required)

Phone number of the company

phone2 Int (Required)

Phone number of the company

fax String (Required)

Fax of the company

webSiteUrl string (Required)

Website url of the company

  "OrganizationId": 9987,
  "OwningUserId": null,
  "Name": "Testing Company ABC",
  "ExternalId": "",
  "Description": "",
  "AssignableToUsers": true,
  "Theme": "",
  "Address1": "123 Company St.Peter",
  "Address2": "Tampa lake",
  "City": "Tampa",
  "State": "FL",
  "Zip": "123456",
  "Country": "US",
  "Email": "",
  "Phone1": "(999) 555-1234",
  "Phone2": "",
  "Fax": "",
  "WebSiteUrl": "https://companysite.com",
  "CustomDropdown1": "",
  "CustomDropdown2": ""


Success String(Nullable)
Message String(Nullable)
Data String(Nullable)
  "success": true,
  "message": "Record updated successfully.",
  "data": null