Retrieve Coupon Pool By Id

Retrieve Coupon Pool By Id

This API provides detailed information about the coupon pool By Id.

Request Parameters

Id Int (Required)

The coupon pool ID


Id Int(Not Nullable)

The coupon pool’s unique identifier.

Name String(Not Nullable)

The Name of the coupon pool.

Starts String(Nullable)

The start time of the coupon pool.

Expires String(Nullable)

The end time of the coupon pool.

Size Int(Nullable)

The size of the coupon pool.

Remaining Int(Nullable)

The remaining coupon pools.

Adjusted Int(Nullable)

The Adjusted coupon pools.

Used Int(Nullable)

The used coupon for coupon pools.

Requested Int(Nullable)

The Requested coupon for coupon pools.

Waitlisted Int(Nullable)

The Waitlisted coupon for coupon pools.

ValueUnitId Int(Nullable)

The ValueUnitId coupon for coupon pools.

CompanyId Int(Not Nullable)

The CompanyId chosen for coupon pool.

ProfileId Int(Not Nullable)

The ProfileId chosen for coupon pool.

InvoiceDetailId Int(Nullable)

The InvoiceDetailId interlinked for invoice in coupon pool.

InvoiceId Int(Nullable)

The Invoice Id interlinked for invoice in coupon pool.

Invoice Number String(Nullable)

The Invoice Number interlinked for invoice in coupon pool.

Created DateTime(Not Nullable)

The datetime on which coupon pool was created.

LastModified DateTime(Not Nullable)

The datetime on which coupon pool was created.

  "success": true,
  "message": "Data retrieved successfully.",
  "data": {
    "id": 76365,
    "name": "testing date",
    "starts": "2024-12-12",
    "expires": "2025-05-12",
    "size": 30,
    "remaining": 30,
    "adjusted": 0,
    "used": 0,
    "transferred": 0,
    "requested": 0,
    "waitListed": 0,
    "valueUnitId": 3,
    "companyId": 448940,
    "profileId": 602,
    "invoiceDetailId": null,
    "invoiceId": null,
    "invoiceNumber": null,
    "created": "2024-12-12 08:55:30",
    "lastModified": "2024-12-12 08:56:07"