The GetClass API retrieves class information for the class ID.
The Id of the class.
The class’s unique identifier
The class’s name
The class’s course name
The class’s Description
The class’s HTML Description
Gives the class’s status
Gives the class’s ConfirmationStatusId
0 = Scheduled
1 = GuaranteedToRun
2 = Cancelled
3 = Rescheduled
4 = Tentative
5 = Requested
6 = Denied
7 = Completed
The class’s course identifier
The class’s organization identifier
The class’s company identifier
The class’s delivery identifier
1 = Physical
The class’s primaryInstructor identifier
When the class starts
When the class ends
The minimum the number of students enrolled
The the maximum number of students enrolled
Distinguishes if enrollment notifications are enabled
The class timezone, or the timezone of the organization the class belongs to
See ClassSession
Title of the course
Courseware vendor provider
Id of the user who created
ID of the user who last modified the record
Formats in which training is provided (e.g., InstructorLed)
Count of session times
Number of enrolled students to the class
Need to calculate Count of remaining seats
Wait list count
"Name": "Test course for center wise course testing 05Dec",
"CourseId": 57415,
"MinStudents": 1,
"MaxStudents": 16,
"DeliveryTypeId": 1,
"ConfirmationStatusId": 1,
"PrimaryInstructorId": 543,
"EnableEnrollmentNotifications": false,
"SessionTimes": [
"Start": "2023-02-09 11:01:01",
"End": "2023-02-09 13:01:01"
"Start": "2023-02-10 11:01:01",
"End": "2023-02-10 13:01:01"
"Start": "2023-02-11 11:01:01",
"End": "2023-02-11 11:01:01"
Property | Type | Nullable | Note |
Name | String | Not Nullable | Name of the field. |
TextValue | String | Not Nullable | Text Value of the field |
Property | Type | Nullable | Note |
Start | DateTime | Not Nullable | When the class starts. |
End | DateTime | Not Nullable | When the class ends. |