Retrieve Company By ID

Retrieve Company By ID

The Company Detail API provides detailed information about the company by ID.

Request Parameters

ID Integrer (Required)

The Id of the company (unique identifier).


Name String(Not Nullable)

Name of the subscription (e.g., “Nexus Human Reseller Program”).

Id Int(Not Nullable)

The Id of the company (unique identifier).

Name String(Not Nullable)

Name of the company.

ExternalId String(Nullable)

External id of the company .

Description String(Nullable)

Description of the company.

OrganizationId Int(Not Nullable)

Company organization.

assignableToUsers Boolean(Nullable)
Address1 String(Nullable)

Address of the company.

Address2 String(Nullable)

Address of the company.

City String(Nullable)

City of the company.

State String(Nullable)

State of the country.

Zip Int(Nullable)

ZipCode of the company.

Country String(Nullable)

Country of the company.

Email String(Nullable)

E-mail id of the company.

Phone Int(Nullable)

Phone number of the company.

Phone2 Int(Nullable)

Phone number of the company.

Fax String(Nullable)

Fax of the company.

webSiteUrl String(Nullable)

Website url of the company.

  "success": true,
  "message": "Data retrieved successfully.",
  "data": {
    "id": 448997,
    "name": "Testing Company",
    "externalId": "1234567_tryt",
    "description": "tesring description",
    "organizationId": 387,
    "owningUserId": 2699590,
    "assignableToUsers": true,
    "address1": "123 Company St.",
    "address2": "Viman Nagar",
    "city": "Tampa",
    "state": "FL",
    "zip": "123456",
    "country": "US",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "123354417",
    "phone2": "123354417",
    "fax": "33",
    "webSiteUrl": ""