Create Enrollment for Class

Create Enrollment for Class

The Post ClassEnrollment API creates a new class enrollment in the LMS.

Request Parameters

ExternalId String (Optional)

The exernal ID of the class enrollment, usually a unique identifier from the calling system

ClassId Int (Required)

The Id of the related class

UserId Int (Required)

The Id of the related user

EnrollmentStatusId Int (Required)

Indicates the status of the class enrollment

0 = Request

10 = Cancel

20 = Waitlist

30 = Approve

40 = Deny

50 = Audit

60 = Enroll

CompletionStatusId Int (Required)

Indicates the completion status of the class enrollment

0 = Unknown

10 = Attending

20 = Complete

30 = Incomplete

40 = NoShow

50 = Failed

LateCancel Boolean (Optional)

Indicates if the class enrollment was cancelled outside the late cancellation window.

Retake Boolean (Optional)

Indicates if the class enrollment is a retake.

InvoiceID Int (Optional)

InvoiceID of the payment type for the classenrollment.

LocationTypeId Int (Optional)

Indicates the location type that the student is assigned to attend the class

0 = To Be Determined

10 = Classroom

20 = Remote Classroom

30 = Virtual

HoursSpent Int (Optional)

The hours spent by the student in the class enrollment.

Grade Int (Optional)

The grade the student received for the class enrollment.

  "ExternalId": null,
  "ClassId": 87654,
  "UserId": 1110359,
  "EnrollmentStatusId": 20,
  "CompletionStatusId": 10,
  "LateCancel": false,
  "Retake": true,
  "InvoiceID": 86252,
  "LocationTypeId": 20,
  "HoursSpent": null,
  "Grade": null



Success Boolean(Not Nullable)

Indicates the status of the API request

Message String(Nullable)

Success or failure message.

Data Int(Not Nullable)

The ID of the created class enrollment.

  "success": true,
  "message": "Record created successfully.",
  "data": 213129