Retrieve Coupon Pool Profile List

Retrieve Coupon Pool Profile List

Get coupon pool profile list API give the list of coupon pool profiles within the LMS

Request Parameters

Page Int (Optional)

The number of page of the list.

Limit Int (Optional)

The limit of the list.


Id Int(Not Nullable)

The coupon pool profile’s unique identifier

Name String(Not Nullable)

The Name of the coupon pool profile

Description String(Nullable)

The Description of the company

CenterId Int(Not Nullable)

The Id of the Center associated with this coupon pool profile.

CenterName String(Not Nullable)

The name of the Center associated with this coupon pool profile.

DurationDays Int(Not Nullable)

The days till when coupon pool profile is valid.

ProductCode String(Nullable)

The code of product for which coupon pool profile is added. a

ProgramId Int(Not Nullable)

The program Id choosen for coupon pool profile.

ProgramName String(Nullable)

The program Name choosen for coupon pool profile.

HtmlDescription String(Nullable)

The html description added for the coupon pool profile.

Created DateTime(Not Nullable)

The datetime on which coupon pool profile was created.

LastModified DateTime(Not Nullable)

The datetime on which coupon pool profile was created.

  "success": true,
  "message": "Data retrieved successfully.",
  "data": {
    "totalPages": 14,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "couponPoolProfiles": [
        "id": 3,
        "name": "DEMO Apps Coupon Pool - 1 year",
        "description": "testing",
        "centerId": 209,
        "centerName": "Demo Centers",
        "durationDays": 0,
        "productCode": "T001",
        "programId": 1,
        "programName": "Information Technology",
        "htmlDescription": null,
        "created": "2010-01-26 00:06:13",
        "lastModified": "2024-11-25 14:59:07"
        "id": 68,
        "name": "Demo Tech Coupon Pool - 1 year",
        "description": "",
        "centerId": 209,
        "centerName": "Demo Centers",
        "durationDays": 365,
        "productCode": null,
        "programId": 1,
        "programName": "Information Technology",
        "htmlDescription": "",
        "created": "2010-06-22 13:28:43",
        "lastModified": "2010-06-22 13:30:36"