Create Coupon Pool Profile

Create Coupon Pool Profile

This API creates a new Coupon Pool Profile in the LMS

Request Parameters

Name String (Required)

The Name of the coupon pool profile (limit 150 characters)

ProductCode String (Optional)

The Product code of the coupon pool profile (limit 50 characters).

Description String (Optional)

The Description of the company (limit 800 characters).

DurationDays Int (Required)

The duration days till which coupon pool profile must be valid.

ProgramId Int (Required)

The Id of the Program associated with this coupon pool profile.

HtmlDescription String (Optional)

The Html Description of the coupon pool profile.

Enabled Boolean (Optional)

Enabled for whether coupon pool profile is enabled or disabled.

  "Name": "DEMO - Coupon Pool - tester 01",
  "Description": "Test Description",
  "DurationDays": 360,
  "ProgramId": 1,
  "HtmlDescription": null,
  "ProductCode": "XY001",
  "Enabled": true


Success Boolean(Nullable)

Request status

Message String(Nullable)

Success or Failure message

Data String(Nullable)

Response data

  "success": true,
  "message": "Record created successfully.",
  "data": 454652